Seminar by Dr. Nicola Orsini, Assoc. Prof. of Medical Statistics at Karolinska Institutet: «Connecting the observed data is not a dose-response meta-analysis»
On October 29, 2019, Dr. Nicola Orsini, Assoc. Professor of Medical Statistics at the Dept. of Public Health Sciences, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, visited the Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics (DHEMS) and gave a seminar entitled: “Connecting the observed data is not a dose-response meta-analysis”. In his presentation, Dr. Orsini introduced the framework for conducting dose-response metaanalyses, focusing on the challenges of selecting the appropriate dose-response model. Dr. Orsini’s visit was in the context of his collaboration with Dr. Androniki Naska (Assoc. Professor of Hygiene and Epidemiology at DHEMS) in an EU-funded research project on applying dose-response metanalytic methods to summarize the evidence generated by dietary intervention studies.