Project: “Design and development of an automatic detection system for epidemic outbreaks and assessment of personalized infection risk of viral hepatitis B and C and HIV Infection”
The “Hippocrates – Outbreak Detection System” project has been successfully completed. The project is part of the “RESEARCH- CREATE- INNOVATIVE” action of the operational program “Competitiveness, entrepreneurs, and Innovation” and was co-funded by Greece and the EU.
The project consists of a partnership between the Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics (DHEMS) of the School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Organization Against Drugs (OKANA) and the Greek Technology Company InDigital SA. The Principal Investigator of the project was Professor Mrs Giota Touloumi. Other members of DHEMS who participated in the research team were Professor Mrs Vana Sypsa, Assistant Professor Mr Nikos Pantazis, post-doc researchers Mrs Argyro Karakosta and Mr Christos Thomadakis, and PhD students Mrs Valia Baralou, Mrs Natasa Kalpourtzi and Mr Achilleas Stamoulopoulos.
The primary objective of the project was to develop an integrated automated system for early and reliable epidemic outbreak detection as well as an algorithm for individual risk assessment focusing on HIV and Hepatitis B and C and their application to people who inject drugs served by OKANA.
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