Presentation of the European Dietary Reference Values for sodium intake at the 13th European Nutrition Conference (Dublin, October 2019)

In the context of the 13th European Nutrition Conference organized by the British Nutrition Society and the Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS), Dr. Androniki Naska, Assoc. Professor in the Dept of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, presented the Dietary Reference Values (DRVs) for sodium intake for the European population. In her capacity as Vice-Chair of the Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Chair of the Working Group on setting DRVs for minerals and Rapporteur of the scientific opinion on DRVs for sodium, Dr. Naska coordinated the systematic literature review and the ad hoc meta-analyses that lead to setting 2g per day as the safe and adequate level for sodium intake for the European population.
The Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for Sodium (doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2019.5778) is available at:
and related interviews at EFSA’s website:
Media coverage of the FENS 2019 Conference presentation can be found at: