EFSA and the Dept. of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics join forces to manage and advance the methodology of the national Dietary Surveys in the EU
From left to right: K. Niforou, E. Valanou, N. Koffas and Prof. A Naska
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), following a competitive procedure, assigned to the Dept. of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics (DEHEMS) the management of data collected through national dietary surveys in the EU Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (rf. The EFSA Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database), and the formulation of the new methodology to conduct and analyze nutrition surveys in EU MS. The task is coordinated by Prof. Androniki Naska with members of the team: Elissavet Valanou, nutritionist; Krystallia Niforou, nutritionist; and, Nikolaos Koffas, mathematician with expertise in data management. Efthimia Vassilopoulou, food technologist at DEHEMS will provide support on issues related to food composition tables.