Nikos Pantazis is Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics at the Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics of the Medical School, NKUA. He studied at the Physics Department of NKUA and received his Master’s Degree and a PhD from the MSc in Biostatistics of the same University (Medical School and Department of Mathematics).

He teaches Medical Statistics and Epidemiology at the undergraduate level, mainly in the Medical School of NKUA but also in the Departments of Dentistry and Biology. At the postgraduate level, he teaches Medical Statistics with an emphasis on Generalized Linear Models, Longitudinal Data Analysis and Meta-analysis in MSc programs of the Medical Schools of NKUA and University of Patras. He has supervised or participated as a member of the supervising committee in over 30 diploma theses of MSc students.

He is the local Prinicipal Investigator in an ECDC program related to improving the quality of HIV surveillance data in Europe and has participated or continues to participate in numerous research projects funded by the European Union, National Institute of Health-USA and national funds.

His research interests focus mainly on HIV epidemiology and methodological issues in the analysis of longitudinal and survival data, especially in the presence of non-random missing data mechanisms. Nikos Pantazis is an author or member of the research team in 122 papers in international academic journals both in the field of Medicine/Epidemiology (JAMA, Lancet HIV, AIDS, PLOS Pathogens, Journal of Virology, Eurosurveillance, Clinical Infectious Diseases, etc.) as well as Statistics/Biostatistics (Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Biometrics, Statistics in Medicine, Statistical Methods in Medical Research etc.) with more than 6,500 citations and an h-index of 41 (Google Scholar).